Purchase Decision pada Live Streaming Shopping Pengguna Media Sosial Tiktok di Bandung

  • Indri Ferdiani Suarna universities Islam Nusantara
Kata Kunci: Promosi, Brand Image,e-trust,purchase decision,media sosial ,tiktok



Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi di Indonesia, pelanggan semakin gemar berbelanja online untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya. Ketika mereka ingin mencari suatu produk, dengan  memanfaatkan media sosial dalam mencari data barang  yang di cari. Perubahan perilaku konsumen   saat ini   membuat para pelaku usaha   semakin kompetitif. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa minat belanja online telah mendorong peluang bisnis para pebisnis Indonesia untuk memulai secara online. Oleh karena itu, bermunculan berbagai platform bisnis online yang memungkinkan. Media sosial telah mengubah pendekatan pembentukan hubungan dalam masyarakat saat ini  termasuk hubungan antara perusahaan dan pelanggan mereka. Namun, dibalik banyaknya keuntungan belanja online melalui media sosial juga memiliki banyak resiko yang harus dihadapi. Promosi produk yang kreatif dan inovativ dengan  menyatukan antara  konten hiburan interaktif dan promosi produk melalui  penjualan secara langsung  melalui   live streaming  shopping. Salah satu fitur terbaru hadir dari media sosial TikTok yang menawarkan fitur trending terbaru TikTok Store. Sejak kemunculannya, fitur ini telah menarik perhatian pengguna dan bisa menjadi peluang bisnis yang sangat besar bagi pelaku bisnis. Adapun  faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi pelanggan saat membeli barang secara online adalah kepercayaan pelanggan terhadap penjual online. Hal ini dikarenakan sulitnya membangun kepercayaan antara pembeli dan penjual karena mereka tidak dapat bertatap muka dan tidak dapat melihat atau menyentuh produk yang dijual dalam kondisi sebenarnya. Kendala juga untuk penjual  bagaimana dapat menciptakan brand image yang solid dengan reputasi yang baik di pasar serta menumbuhkan image  yang terhubung secara emosional dengan pelanggan. Riset ini dirancang untuk mengidentifikasi hasil dampak promosi , brand image dan e-trust atas  purchase decision pada  Live streaming Shopping pengguna media sosial TikTok di Bandung. Mode riset  yang dipergunakan dengan  metode kuantitatif dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 100 orang pengguna media sosial Tiktok. Teknik penghimpunan data menggunakan angket  dan literatur dengan  penerapan SPSS 25 . Kesimpulan adalah   hasil uji T menyatakan bahwa  pengaruh positif dan signifikan variabel promosi,brand image dan e-trust  pada purchase decision Live shop pengguna tiktok di kota Bandung, sedangkan berdasarkan hasil Uji F menyatakan bahwa hasil dari pengujian hipotesis menunjukan nilai Fhitung  sebesar 7,527 secara simultan variabel  Purchase decision dipengaruhi promosi, Brand Image , e-trust   secara signifikan  dan positif.


Customers more people in Indonesia prefer to buy things online to fulfill their wants as technology advances. When they want to find a product, they just need to use social media to find the product information they are looking for finding the data they need. Consumer behavior to shop online today makes business people more competitive. Based on this, it cannot be denied that the interest in online shopping has encouraged business opportunities for Indonesian businessmen to start online. Therefore, various possible online business platforms have emerged. Social media has changed the approach to building relationships in today's society including the relationship between companies and their customers. However, behind the many advantages of online shopping through social media, there are also many risks that must be faced. Creative and innovative product promotion by combining interactive entertainment content and product promotion through direct sales through live streaming shopping. One of the newest features comes from social media TikTok which offers the latest trending features of the TikTok Store. Since its appearance, this feature has attracted the attention of users and can become a huge business opportunity for business people. The factors that can influence customers when buying goods online is customer trust in online sellers. This is because it's challenging to establish confidence between As a result, trust between parties can be challenging to establish as consumers and vendors are unable to interact in person  and cannot see or touch the products being sold in actual conditions. The obstacle is also for sellers how to create a solid brand image with a good reputation in the market and foster an image that is emotionally connected to customers. The analysis was designed to determine the impact of of promotion, brandimage and e-trust on purchase decisions on Live streaming Shopping social media users of TikTok positioned in Bandung. A 100-person total sample was used in the quantitative research method Tiktok social media users. Techniques for collecting data from surveys and books using the SPSS program 25. The premise is that the Ttest's findings demonstrate that e-trust has an impact on purchasing decisions that is both positive and significant, and that promotion has an impact that is both positive and significant, similar to that of brand image. Live shop tiktok users in the city of Bandung, but the F test findings indicate that the outcome of testing the hypothesis shows the Fcount value of 7.527 simultaneously  promotion variable, Brand Image, e-trust significantly and positively affect  Purchase decision.

Cara Mengutip
Suarna, I. (2022). Purchase Decision pada Live Streaming Shopping Pengguna Media Sosial Tiktok di Bandung. Ekono Insentif, 16(2), 138-152. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.36787/jei.v16i2.942